Attention All Peanut Butter Lovers! PB2 is Here!

Gosh I love peanut butter. I put peanut butter in my smoothies, on my rice cakes, on my ice cream. I even eat peanut butter straight out of the jar. pb2_new_label2But as you know, at about 200 calories for just 2 tablespoons, I do have to limit my peanut butter intake to still be able to fit in to my yoga clothes!

So that’s why I’m super excited about PB2 – a POWDERED peanut butter made with only peanuts, sugar, and salt! Nothing artificial. You just add water and it turns into a consistency that is just like full-fat peanut butter. Best of all, PB2 is about 1/2 the calories of regular peanut butter.

PB2 comes in two flavors: Just Peanut Better PB2 and Just PB2 with Chocolate.

The one bummer is that it’s hard to find PB2 in stores. I bought mine from the maker of PB2, which is Bell Plantation, and it arrived in two days! Click here to go to the Bell Plantation website.

Let me know what you think. I’m going to try using PB2 in cooking and baking and would love to exchange recipes with you!

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5 Responses to “Attention All Peanut Butter Lovers! PB2 is Here!”

  1. Tony Says:

    Hmm, sounds good… can it be added directly to a shake or do you still have to mix it first? Thanks!

  2. doubledogyoga Says:

    Hi Tony –
    I’ve been adding PB2 in powder frm directly into my blender and it seems to work fine. Let me know if you try it!

  3. Waiting for Kombucha « Eat. Run. Do Yoga. Says:

    […] I had my standard Smoothie for breakfast: banana, spinach, Spirutein vanilla protein powder, cinnamon, a little salt, vanilla hemp milk (unsweetened), and pb2. In addition to Better N Peanut Butter, pb2 is my other favorite peanut butter-type product. I even wrote about it on the Double Dog Blog. […]

  4. Revenge of the Bees + Why I Do Yoga « Eat. Run. Do Yoga. Says:

    […] tablespoons Chocolate pb2 (you can see it peeking out of the top left side in the second […]

  5. Home Yoga Practice + Raw Banana Ice Cream « Eat. Run. Do Yoga. Says:

    […] TA DA! Now you have a creamy, low cal, low fat, raw, vegan, delicious treat for two! I added a few blueberries and a drizzle of Bees n Blossoms honey. You could also mix together agave + cocoa powder for a chocolatey topping, or my favorite –  pb2! […]

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